
Showing posts from June, 2023
  Speech-Language Pathologists  and Vision Therapist's work together Do you or someone you know have a speech disorder or vision problem? If so, it's important to understand the how Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Vision Therapists work together to help. SLPs provide diagnostics and therapeutic activities related to communication, voice and speech disorders while Vision Therapists specialize in administering assessments for visual motor/perceptual rehabilitation services relating to vision deficiencies. In this blog post, we'll discuss why collaboration between these two specialists can be beneficial for people with communication impairments as well as conditions like strabismus or amblyopia (also known as "lazy eye"). We will also explore ways SLPs and Vision Therapist collaborate when treating individuals with both communication disorders AND visual issues! Why Speech-Language Pathologists and Vision Therapists are a powerful team   Did you know that spe
Why Mothers say, “look at me when I'm talking to you!” Have you ever had a moment when your mom said “ look at me when I ’ m talking to you,” and it made absolutely no sense? Surprisingly, there is actually scientific evidence behind this saying! Scientists have been studying the parallels between auditory and visual processing for years – from how we pay attention to conversation or a movie scene, to even helping people with language impairments. By understanding these processes of capturing information through both sound and vision, it shows us why our moms always insist on having direct eye contact for their instructions. Let ' s explore some of the ways auditory and visual perceptions develop together in order to improve our communication skills - big thanks goes out to all the mothers who tirelessly tried teaching us this concept since childhood! The Power of the Human Voice The power of the human voice is truly remarkable. Our voices have the ability to convey emotion, e